Saturday, November 29, 2008

RSS feeds

Okay. By including my sites of Really Simple Syndication (RSS) I am allowing you to view more of me, that is what spews out of me is set by what goes into me. In communications we call this Agenda Setting Theory. What I see or hear is what I will think about and conversely if you are following this blog, you too will find that you will think about these things.

Listed to my right are Library Links that I think are positive links. ALA of course. LOC is great for podcasts and become down loadable for listening to on commutes (and there are many days where I commute over 5 hours) and finally what Google is up to. As many of you can tell, Google does not give stuff away. it allows you to use its services,but there is always a catch. See my previous post.

Below you will find some RSS to some entertainments I likey. Dr. Who

Now so you know, I was partially responsible for Dr. Who's success in America. When I was 17 I worked for George Breo at the New Science Fiction and Fantasy Shop in Chicago. I kept pleading with him to get some Dr. Who merchandise . The show was on PBS, late but it was GREAT!. Finally George caved and we could not keep the stuff on the shelves. We then contacted Barbara Elder of the BBC and became the sole distributors of BBC merchandise for Dr. Who in America and formed the company SOL (Spirit of Light) and hosted the great Dr. WHO convention of 1983 at the Chicago Hyatt. I was personal body guard for LORD BAKER, who is an arrogant fuck. Patrick Troughton is a funny little man, Jon Pertwee and I shared a $65 bottle of cognac and Elisabeth Sladen is absolutely beautiful. Peter Davison and his then wife, the actress who played the original Trillion in Hitchhikers were very gracious and wonderful dinner guests.

What blew it was Breo found Christ. Found Christ on a fuckin' flying saucer and said that Christ would need to appear on the show. You should have seen Jon Nathan Turner's face at that. very quickly we lost our licensing and exclusive rights. Still, I don't blame Jon. But man, did I lose a bundle. Still like the Dr. though....

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