Thursday, October 30, 2008


Well I describe more of how I did it all, but take a gander at a slow version of my first attempt. one.html

Why I have I not been posting all two of you are asking. Well see previous blog plus:

Deep thrombosis of the veins (hey your librarians look it up), painful but not life threatening.
Also been busy interning, teaching, using wikis, and what I really enjoy teaching library use to non-traditonal students, those who haven't been in a library in quite some time. I intern UW Waukesha and I have ex-GM workers, Rockwell workers etc. The want a card catalog. My job is to bring them not only into the OPAC but as deep into digital tech as I can to make their jobs easier. Many of you think you can do a powerpoint presentation.

Let me tell you my final undergrad project for digital tech was on HOW NOT TO GIVE POWERPOINT. Ever see a powerpoint get a standing ovation. Its an artform, don't underestimate it with all of Web 2.0 and 3.0

1 comment:

Biblioteca Chica said...

Well said regarding Power Point -- it is a real art form and not to be under-estimated.

And don't be too blase regarding the DVT; it IS life threatening if it goes untreated. My dad has a genetic factor ("factor X" --doesn't that sound exciting!) and it can be very serious. Take care, there are too few "lazy, cynical bastards" out there! (to the less observant out there, I refer to my venerable classmate's own tag on this post. I myself would never stoop to call someone such!)