Monday, December 15, 2008


I think all of you in my 635 class plus some of my respected colleagues have been asked to participate in a WIKI experiment of sorts. It is not quantifiable, at least not yet. WHat I have done is start a paper on ownership and its roots in secular occidental thought. I purposely missed some points of librarianship and information studies.

I am asking you to participate, to edit correct and change my content. This is just for fun and will be welcome for about one month after the 19th of December. WHat I am looking for is if people are more willing to receive credit for their work, or be able to have unlimited collaborative rights without ownership of the article. If one or the other rings out very strong I may arrange a quantifiable test WIKI to see where library 3.0 will take us. As I maintain, we are the arbitrators of knowledge and as such we are the people who will use the interactive technology the most in the future, but we will want credit for our efforts. WIKIs are great fun, but by not being able to claim your own scholarship I think something is lost. So please, check out what I have to say. You have all been invited to join. If you did not reiceve an invote and wish to participate, leave a post and I will send you a link to the google docs!

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